
Crazy. Stupid. Love.

Yes I watched that movie for the first time. 
While it was an ok movie, it gave me a lot to think about.

Love is crazy. You have to be crazy to be in love. It's hard to give your heart to someone knowing that they could break it. If you find someone who makes you crazy (in a good way) then go for it, because love it crazy.

Love is stupid. You do stupid things when you're in love. You know when you're with that person and you're trying to tell a story or explain something, but your words just stumble out of your mouth and you look stupid. If that person just smiles then go for it, because love is stupid. 

You fight for your soulmate. 

Girls: Be with that guy who runs after you as you're walking away because you just got into a fight.
Guys: Show that girl that you'd stand up for her in any situation.

When you find the one you never stop fighting for them.

Girls: Be with that guy who will stop in the middle of a mack session, look deep into your eyes and tells  you that you're beautiful ... and you know he means it.
Guys: Be with that girl who laughs at all your jokes ... every single one ... even the lame ones.

Girls: Be with that guy who will put on his flip flops and walk you out to your car, or up to your doorstep every single time.
Guys: Even if we can't cook know that us just trying means that we care about you so much that we're willing to try.

Girls: Be with that guy who will stay up into the early hours of the morning, just laying next to you talking about anything and everything.
Guys: Be with the girl who will spend an hour curling her hair, just so she knows you'll be proud to have her on your arm.

Girls: Be with the guy who will do 2 reps of weights for himself, then one more for you.
Guys: Be with the girl who texts just to say "I love you"

Girls: Be with the guy who listens to your ideas and opinions. The one who doesn't cut you down for any reason, the one who actually listens and pays attention. The one who will go to that dance show with you and act interested (even though you know he's not) and show that he's happy being there with you. 
Guys: Be with the girl who doesn't nag you about everything.

Girls: Be with the man who is exciting and who takes you out to fun, new adventures.
Guys: Be with the girl who will watch baseball with you, and understand what's going on.

Girls: Be with the man who makes you feel beautiful and challenges you to be better.
Guys: Be with the girl who makes you want to be a better person and who makes you feel special.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I forgot to add my favorite :
    Be with the person who makes time not excuses.
