
This nightmare I esteem

In the first 2 days of classes I have come to realize that this semester will be ... for lack of a better word, Hellish
I'm working for the Daily Universe (but not getting paid) and it's about 15 hours a week. 
I'm writing for the BYU women's basketball team.
I write 4 articles a week, 2 previews and 2 recaps. 
Which means that I have to 1) go to their practices, 2) go to the games, 3) go to the press releases after the games, 4) stream the away games on my laptop, 5) pound out a quality article within 2 hours after the game.
If we did the math ... 2 hours a week for practices, 5 hours for the games (2 a week), 2 hours for the press releases, 2 hours for the actual article writing (this is the recap article), plus 4 hours for writing the preview articles = 15 hours a week.

But wait ... there's more. On top of that I'm "on call" everyday from 12-5 so if my editor wants me to go cover I story guess what? I GO.

On top of ALL of that. 
I work part time as an ME secretary.
I'm taking 11.5 credits (2 of the classes have got to be some of the toughest classes in my major)
I'm the 1st counselor in the Relief Society.
I have a boyfriend who I should give attention to.
I have to work out 5 x's a week or I will turn into a stress case.
I have family & friends I shouldn't neglect. 

Therefore, I don't know how ... but I will make it through this semester if it kills me.

There will be tears, many of them I'm sure.
Late ... I mean REALLY late nights.
Lots of headaches and sleep deprivation.
Several break downs.

But I know with all of the wonderful support I have, I can make it through.
"Just keep swimming"

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