
Getting Poetic

I generally dislike sharing my poetic ventures with ... well anyone. But today I'm in a generous mood and have a few things to share with you. I won't date these poems so you'll never know when they were written. It could've been last night or 2 years ago ... I can't expose myself too much, we need a little mystery.

Tastes so good like poison. 
I'm vomiting the truth and I can't stop myself it's bulimia. 
When my emotions out run my logic and I let go hoping for recompense. 
My stomach is knawing at me telling me how I truly feel. 
But my face won't betray me, I'll keep these feelings from you. 
Wish I could say it's been a fun race only I haven't won anything for making it to the finish line. 
Just want you to know it would have been beautiful. 
I would have been the best. 
I seem to have tripped and fallen over myself, but the others run past me. 
I want to be in the strength of your arms,
but you want me in the strength of a friendship. 
I'll swallow my secret keep it tucked away and maybe sometime in the future you'll be able to see,
what you're missing by not being with me.

When the beautiful aren't that beautiful. 
When the quiet things no one says get spoken. 
When the wind gentlely kisses your ear and sends tingles down your neck. 
When there is that first look, that first smile and you never forget it. 
When your heart stings reminding you you're human. 
When you bite your lip to avoid temptation. 
When your best friend doesn't call because he can't be a good boyfriend to her and a best friend to you. 
When you understand what you want is what you can't have.
When you're torn between two choices, and you flip a coin ... hoping to come to a conclusion. 
Welcome to being human. 



  1. Love love love love these

  2. Hailey this is so good! You are an amazing writer! Thanks for sharing
