
The power of "yes"

I've heard it said before that there is power in saying "yes" to positive things. While I admit in the past I've been reluctant to jumping up and down saying "yes" to many opportunities, I've changed my thinking a bit and have witnessed the "power of yes."
  • Want to drive 2 hours to help promote Vooray? YES. Consequence: I ended up having a fabulous time, met some great new friends, got closer to another friend, and my reliability for this company just went up.
  • Want to move in to my new apartment at 10:30 pm? YES. Consequence: Ran into 3 guys who are in my new ward and they ended up helping me move in (remember the name Matt), move in time was about 15 minutes total, met my new roomies.
  • Want to go to see a movie on a Tuesday night @ 10 pm? YES. Consequence: Had a relaxing time, laughed some good "out-loud-laughs", got to spend time with old friends and new ones, went to bed happy and satisfied. 
  • Want to go to the Bookstore to buy dry erase markers for a professor? YES. Consequence: Got to get out of the office, took a "field trip" with cute engineer, had some good company buying markers, was recognized by said professor and now thinks I'm his "go-to" girl. 
  • Want to join the ward coed intramural basketball team? YES. Consequence: Matt invited me to play on the team, was walked to campus by said Matt, will have a great time cheering my ward along.
  • Want to go bowling with cute engineer and his friend? YES. Consequence: Got to know cute engineer a little bit better, talked to his fun friend, had good laughs due to a broken lane, improved my bowling skills (this may be a lie.)
  • Want to call a friend who is really down? YES. Consequence: Talked out some problems, listened to how their life is really going, was humbled and realized that I'm in a very good place in my life, learned that everyone is fighting a personal battle.
  • Want to put in 15 more minutes to wave my hair today? YES. Consequence: Got lots of "double takes" on campus, self-esteem boosted 3 points!
  • Want to push the pause button on my life for 3 minutes? YES. Consequence: Reflected on where I am at in life, where I need to be, where I want to end up, what I need to do to get there. 

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