
Day 2

Day 2- The meaning behind your Blogger name

Ooooh so it's getting personal huh?
Usually people's blog names are "Jane and John luv4ever" or "Food is yummy"
But my blog name Here Comes The Sun, has a lot of significance.

First off - it is one of my dad's absolute favorite songs, "Here Comes the Sun"
Second - remember how I was adopted? Well my sweet parents had to wait EIGHT years to get me. To make a long story short right before I was born and my parents got the call they both felt something was coming. Something exciting and bright as the sun. They both kept thinking, "here comes the sun."
Third - my dad calls me his sunshine princess. I don't mean to be vain but he says that when I came into their lives I brought so much sunshine with me that it radiates in my face.
Fourth - I tend to be optimistic. I think that "Here Comes the Sun" is better than "Here Comes the Rain" or even "Here Comes the Bride." 
Fifth - Who doesn't feel good just reading that blogger name? 

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