
Day 26 - Free advice you'd give to the opposite gender

Day 26 - Free advice you'd give to the opposite gender

Oooooooh booooooooooooooy!

Guys do you see that title? Free advice. And since I'm a relationship expert *eye roll* you'll want this advice.

Free Advice:
* If you can tell she's put a lot of effort into the way she looks that day, COMPLEMENT HER!!! If you don't she'll assume you don't care and the next day she'll show up without makeup.

* On that note - if she does show up without makeup let her know she's still beautiful. (I feel like I can't stress this enough!)

* Most girls (myself included) enjoy doing little sweet things for you. Ex: leaving post it notes through the house, sending a sweet text just because, giving you kisses in public. We're not trying to smother you, it's a way we show our love and appreciation.

* We really do like just hanging out, eating pizza and watching an entire season of *insert tv show here*.

* We cry over silly things that shouldn't matter. The best thing you can do in that situation? Hold us, and in the words of Mat Kearney say, "you're OK, you're with me."

* A nice text, or email from you can go a loooooooooooooong way.

* Don't check out other girls around us. You'd think this would be obvious ...

* A hug & a kiss every time we come and go.

* Those jeans you're still wearing on your butt? Pull.them.up.

* We think you look sexy when you're sweaty after a good workout.

* We'll defend you in any situation. It's not that you can't defend yourself, we just want others to know our dedication to you.

* To put us at ease when it comes to "serious talks" approach it in a comedic manner and we'll respond likewise.

* Surprise flowers are always welcome.

* Don't tell us we're crazy, we already know we are.

* Know we love you.

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